I experienced tornado warnings while camping in Texas. The scariest experience so far while RV-ing.

The first set of storms came about 8:30 pm and it was too late to do anything about it, so I just sat in my camper as the strong 65 mph winds rocked it back and forth and thunder roared outside.
However, after seeing Facebook pictures and videos of the tornado that touched down near by, I decided not to take that chance again when the next set of storms rolled in.

As soon as the storm stopped I went outside and disconnected my RV from water and electricity, preparing to drive off at any moment, if needed. I then went to sleep only to be woken up by new set of weather alerts.
When the second set of storms rolled in around 1 am, I decided to drive to the campground bathhouse and stay there until the storm passed.

I drove to the bathrooms because even though it was directly behind my campsite, I was afraid to go outside of the RV in severe 60+ mph winds and lightening.

At 2 am the storms have passed, and I was able to drive back to the campsite and finally get some rest.

Standing in a shower stall at 1 o’clock in the morning was no fun. Luckily for me, unfortunately for the people in that area, the tornado hit about 10 miles north of me near Lovefield airport in Dallas.
Hopefully, I will never have to experience that again.
To clarify, the forecast for that week was not indicating severe weather. If I had known in advance I would have attempted to spend the night at my daughter’s house. I don’t want anyone to think I was irresponsible, it was a beautiful day with no indication of the storms to follow that night. 🙁

Next post: Texas Fall
Wow! Incredibly scary!!!! Good thinking about staying in the restroom. I’m so glad all went well and safe for you and Aesop!!!!