Initially I thought having a travel trailer and a truck would be the ideal set up. It would allow me a good amount of separate living space and a vehicle to drive around to explore.
What I didn’t consider was the learning curve of parking/maneuvering the RV. I wasted hours and hours at the storage facility on Sundays trying to fit in between an RV and a boat. It was a nightmare, and it added stress to my life. I decided to sell the F150 and travel trailer.
Another factor was safely. In case of some type of emergency I would have to step out of the trailer, hitch to the pickup and then drive off. That scenario scared me, especially if this was to happen at night while traveling alone. I kinda still do believe in boogie man, werewolves and vampires.
It was heartbreaking getting rid of it because not only I’ve lost money on it, but also have invested time in decorating it and falling in love with it.
Overall I don’t regret that decision. Driving my current RV is a piece of cake. I can easily turn around, fit into small/short spaces and in case of an emergency I jump in the front seat and speed of!!!
I will miss not having a car to drive around, but hopefully my electric bike will get me to and from where I need to go.
Moral of the story, really determine whats important when buying an RV.
Here are a few pictures.
Side note: He never complained, but I’m sure my dad was super annoyed with all my shenanigans and project… just to decide to sell the RV a few months later.
The initial set up I reupholstered the seats, windows and created this fun tile table TV rotated from Living Room to the bedroom Bright and tall shower stall Roomy rear bathroom with a Fantastic Fan LOTS of linen and bathroom storage Modern cabinetry and appliances I had an oven 🙁 re-did valances and made curtains Cozy slide, convertible to a bed if needed

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